I have done a very bad job of keeping the old Blog-a-roo updated on this trip. The rally itself was quite wonderful, caught up with the BMWBMW people for a little bit, but ended up spending most of my time hanging out at with the dozen or so people that were my tent buddies.

Plenty of meat, plenty of laughs, and of course a beer or two.

Yesterday I hopped on the road to Atlanta and am visiting with the Swiss Family Dougherty, they are becoming a tradition it would seem for my BMW MOA Rallies.

Tomorrow I will start the ride home, I am thinking right now I will take my time, split it over two days, it is about 700 miles or about 12 ½ hours. I plan to make a few stops on the way, I will go run the “Tail of the Dragon”, maybe go see Dublin VA and then make the burn for home.
Per Sybase Ron, I am going to spin by Crockett Tavern and see if I can learn about Davy Crockett. The forecast is for lots of rain,

It is about time to turn in now, hopefully I stay dry for a few hours tomorrow, and I look forward to returning to normal life.
